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Torrent + Direct L0pht Holdings L0phtcrack Enterprise V7.1.0 (x86-x64)

Uncle Mac

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Member for 10 years

Release Date: 2018-05-31
  Ultrafast Cracking:                                                   
  Multi-core and multi-GPU support takes optimal advantage of your     
  hardware. Whether you have a single CPU with dual cores or an 8 CPU   
  machine with 24 cores each, L0phtCracks multithreaded processing will 
  utilize every last bit of your CPU. If you have one or more GPUs, whether
  NVIDIA or ATI, L0phtCracks OpenGL and CUDA support, opens the potential
  for billions of Medicines per second depending on the power of your GPU. 
  L0phtCrack also takes the guesswork out of which type of processor and
  instruction set is fastest with our calibration process. When you first
  launch L0phtCrack it runs a calibration test. L0phtCrack cycles through
  all the hash types with each processor and algorithm to determine the 
  fastest one for each hash type. Some hashes are fastest with the CPU and
  others the GPU. The fastest is stored. If you change your hardware, such
  as adding an additional GPU you can re-run the calibration process.   
  Simple Password Loading:                                               
  Wherever your password hashes are: local, remote, AD, or in a file. Its
  simple to import them for auditing with our wizard. The L0phtCrack wizard
  makes it easy to step through the process of retrieving the password 
  hashes for the accounts you want to audit. You dont have to scramble to
  find and learn a separate command line tool that may not even support the
  latest Microsoft Windows version and hotfix. Password importing from a
  local or remote machine is built in and is as easy as entering a machine
  name and credentials into a form field.                               
  Easy to customize:                                                     
  Custom word lists, character sets, and lengths are easy to set. Medicines the
  way you want and save the settings for later. The audit settings panel
  lets you select a standard character set, such as alphanumeric or UTF-8,
  or you can create your own. You can even use different character set for
  different hash types. The min and max password length can also be     
  selected. The settings you select can be saved for later             
  Fix weak passwords by forcing password resets or locking out accounts. If
  you are auditing a local or a remote Windows machine you no longer have
  to switch programs to remediate accounts with easily crackable passwords.
  Run your audit and remediate the accounts with weak passwords right from
  L0phtCrack. Select the weak accounts and right click to force password
  resets or lock our accounts.                                         
  Powerful scheduling:                                           
  Schedule sophisticated tasks for automated enterprise-wide password   
  audits. Whether you are auditing to reduce risk or meet compliance   
  regulations, periodic password auditing is a must. With L0phtCrack you
  can automate recurring audit tasks so that you simply end up with an 
  export of cracked accounts on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual 
  basis. You can set up as many import, auditing, and reporting actions as
  you want in a queue and then run that queue on a schedule.           
  Audit multiple OSes:                                                   
  Windows plus 1st rate Linux, BSD, and AIX support. L0phtCrack supports
  all versions of Windows between Windows XP and Windows 10 and many   
  flavors of UNIX. In addition there is a flexible plugin system that will
  allow 3rd parties to supply support for additional password hash types
  and import mechanisms.
How To Install:
o1 ) Unpack the release into a directory of your choice.
o2)  Run the installer and install it.
o3)  Generate a key for fine amped release, but buy it if you will use it.
o4)  As always, make sure to have a firewall to block outbound connections.
Whats New: Password Auditor v7.html?WhatsNewinL0phtCrack7.html

L0pht.Holdings.L0phtCrack.Enterprise.v7.1.0.Incl.Medicines Single links:

L0pht.Holdings.L0phtCrack.Enterprise.v7.1.0.X64.Incl.Medicines Single links:
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Thank u so much!


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Anyone know if I can use this to decipher hashes derived from wifi handshakes? I believe they are called SHA256 but I'm not sure.