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Direct SquarePunk Conky & Wallpaper


acta non verba
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Did a SteamPunk conky and it came out pretty decent. Figured I would share it with ya'll. Most of the "widgets" will work correctly and behave nicely on EVERY PC running Linux. The others will require a little modification to get working properly.

Example: My net card happens to identify to the system as "enp5s0", yours may identify as "eth0" or something like that.

The "shortcuts" are made using "keyboard" settings in the settings manager. Adding custom keystrokes makes system seem a LOT faster. I can type
CTRL B and load my brave browser MUCH faster than finding the icon with a cursor, then clicking it. You will have to add them for these widgets to be of relevance.

I know for a fact the Linux drive WILL work for you, BUT the Linux Backup/Win10/NTFS storage will NOT work for you, BUT, ya'll are pretty handy and can edit the config files to match YOUR system. Can be intense if you dont have a general clue.

The nVidia will work IF you are running an nVidia card and nVidia driver. Will NOT work using the nouveau default driver.

The CPU widget will load as long as you have 8 cores! If you have less, then you MUST edit the widget and comment out or remove the excess lines or it WONT load.
If you have MORE than 8 cores, then you will be fine, but the widget wont hold too many more due to size constraints.

The widgets are all made with transparent properties so the background appears to be on top of them. This can also be modified if you know how and arent afraid to tinker. You can also change ALL colors in the widgets simply by modifying the color section in the conky script.

Im assuming that since you are downloading this, that you actually have a clue what to do with them and where they go, and what you use to display them.

I use Conky Manager 2.4. It IS the online store now for install. Make sure you have also installed conky first.

How to:

1) Open terminal
2) sudo apt install conky-all (enter)
3) enter sudo password and watch the magic happen.
4) exit (enter)
5) Open Software Manager
6) Install Conky-manager
7) Open Conky Manager and choose widgets to display as well as where to display them.

Lastly, NONE of these are executables (in the sense of executable) so NO viruses, but had to include a scan to post it :)

NOTE: ZIP contains ALL the widgets as well as 2 custom clock widgets (not shown) and the Wallpaper. I am running this at 1920 x 1080
on a 32" monitor. The widgets are 300x300 each.



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acta non verba
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NO ball breaking on the coding lol. I use some cheats, some workarounds, and some pure laziness at times. I could have used a LOT more of the OFFSET and VOFFSET commands in place of just using a carraige return to add vertical spacing.
I wont be much help because NO 2 people setup a linux system the same way, and I will have NO clue what you are running. Unlike Windows, which has a limited amount of deep system configurations available to us (easily).

Its up and down, BUT, this is the BEST Conky Reference site out there.