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Tech News Vote Now! Which Web Browser Do You Trust The Most?

You take your web browser with you wherever you go on the web. Amongst other things, it knows what you see and when; it tags along when you visit your friends on social media; goes with you to the bank; helps you book your holidays; and aids and abets you in pursuing your internet vices.

But how much do you trust it?

It’s a question we like to ask our readers from time to time because when it comes to browsers, trust is important and it’s… well, it’s complicated.

We put a tremendous amount of trust in browsers simply by using them. We trust them to protect us from exploits, drive-by malware and phishing. Many of us also trust third party browser plugins to protect us from ads, trackers and malicious scripts (while trusting the browser to protect us from rogue third party plugins with their own ads, trackers and malicious scripts).

The trouble is, the only companies that can afford to produce such complicated and costly software, for free, are the ones we seem to trust the least.

Judging by comments left on Naked Security, many of you think that Google doesn’t live up to “don’t be evil”; Microsoft will never recover from the 1990s; Mozilla has sold out to Google’s ad money; Apple’s sheen is wearing off; and Tor can’t escape its military roots

The feature set we expect from web browsers is largely settled and so, for the last decade or more, they’ve competed with each other based on speed, privacy and security.

Since our last poll ad handling has been added to the list, as responsibility for what to do about online ads starts to migrate from third plugins into the browsers themselves.

Brave, an entirely new browser, is built around the idea that if it can effectively filter out bad ads, we won’t mind seeing good ones. Unsurprisingly Google Chrome, a browser built by an advertising company, is backing the same filter-don’t-block approach. Meanwhile, Firefox has announced plans to block the tracking that targeted ads rely on by default.

The threat of malicious plugins has loomed large in the last couple of years too. Both Firefox and Chrome have had to withdraw malicious plugins from their stores, while Chrome will soon make it impossible to get ad-ons from outside of the Web Store.

Let’s talk about trust

This is neither a scientific poll nor an attempt to objectively measure browser security. This about how you feel, and who and what you are willing to trust. The poll is here to gauge the temperature and provoke discussion about our attitudes to the software we rely on and the companies that make it.

So, while our poll asks, simply, “Which browser do you trust the most?” we would love to know more about what you think after you’ve voted, so please leave a comment too.

Shiva Yadav

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Personally I think since Firefox switched to quantum, whenever that was that it's now the best browser. I do not recommend you use any plugins though unless it's something like DuckduckGo. A great security plugin by a small web developer will inevitably be purchased by some fat cats, it will auto update and then start mining your browser history with ease. Read the fine print about what these plugins can do and you'll be shocked

sir if u have already researched about those plugins , can u give list of names of plugins so our member ll also not use those plugins ..


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Firefox or Waterfox for me. Chrome just uses up too much ram and no privacy at


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Personally I think since Firefox switched to quantum, whenever that was that it's now the best browser. I do not recommend you use any plugins though unless it's something like DuckduckGo. A great security plugin by a small web developer will inevitably be purchased by some fat cats, it will auto update and then start mining your browser history with ease. Read the fine print about what these plugins can do and you'll be shocked

Thanks for your advice. However, this addon selection that I use has been in my toolkit for this browser for YEARS. Adblock does what it says on the label. Noscript is the very tool that stops ALL java script, as well as any malicious code that might try to load with the requested page. It is a very versatile tool, and can be customized per page. I'm thankful for that, because it is so good at what it does, that some pages become unrenderable without adjustment. I absolutely loathe ads, and the two previously mentioned addons completely eliminate them. No pop ups, pop unders, banner ads, etc, etc, etc... Https everywhere assures a https link (if available for the page requested). This is not the default behaviour of most browsers. This addon is endorsed by the EFF, and it has always been very reliable. My VPN of choice offers their addon as a supplement to the app that runs in the system tray, affords another layer of add removal, and again, I trust the publisher 100%. They do not log traffic and I was able to set up an account without giving any personally identifiable information. I also set up the browser to clear the caches, delete all data, and to never remember history. I'm not a google hound as I usually know where I want to go, and type the address in manually. I do use google, but very sparingIy. I do not use bookmarks, and disallow all but session cookies. At my age, I NEVER install anything without knowing where it comes from, and whether the code can be trusted. I may be one of the few that actually does take the time to read fine print, if I feel it's neccessary. I have never been infected with a virus, not once, in almost 40 years of personal computing. ;) Thanks again for your input.

If you're interested in reading something scary, try the EULA for Windows.

Neville's Haze

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sir if u have already researched about those plugins , can u give list of names of plugins so our member ll also not use those plugins ..

It's Ms. and I like your name Shiva.
How many poor brilliant coders you think turned down an offer they can't refuse?

Thanks for your advice. However, this addon selection that I use has been in my toolkit for this browser for YEARS. Adblock does what it says on the label. Noscript is the very tool that stops ALL java script, as well as any malicious code that might try to load with the requested page. It is a very versatile tool, and can be customized per page. I'm thankful for that, because it is so good at what it does, that some pages become unrenderable without adjustment. I absolutely loathe ads, and the two previously mentioned addons completely eliminate them. No pop ups, pop unders, banner ads, etc, etc, etc... Https everywhere assures a https link (if available for the page requested). This is not the default behaviour of most browsers. This addon is endorsed by the EFF, and it has always been very reliable. My VPN of choice offers their addon as a supplement to the app that runs in the system tray, affords another layer of add removal, and again, I trust the publisher 100%. They do not log traffic and I was able to set up an account without giving any personally identifiable information. I also set up the browser to clear the caches, delete all data, and to never remember history. I'm not a google hound as I usually know where I want to go, and type the address in manually. I do use google, but very sparingIy. I do not use bookmarks, and disallow all but session cookies. At my age, I NEVER install anything without knowing where it comes from, and whether the code can be trusted. I may be one of the few that actually does take the time to read fine print, if I feel it's neccessary. I have never been infected with a virus, not once, in almost 40 years of personal computing. ;) Thanks again for your input.

If you're interested in reading something scary, try the EULA for Windows.

I've been hacked a handful of times at least (not counting when I allowed it to happen), but it's my belief if you haven't been hacked it's not because of your computer knowledge. The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.....if you know what I mean. In the spirit of debate I'll assume your plugins are not mining your data, however third parties are aware you are using them. How many people do you think use your default language, VPN provider, DNS servers, use Windows 10, use Firefox, have your screen size, use NoScript and Adblock? It's likely just you, by building a fortress on a hill you seek a strategy different than I recommend. Which could be summarized as blend in not out.

As for ads they are not a security risk so what purpose does blocking them serve? I actually use ads for security. I have a list of around 20 sites that on occasion I use a few for 2 or 3 minutes for the sole purpose of seeing what language and products they show me in the ads, this is hard evidence that confirms what I want to know. Namely do they know where I came from or where I am? Again you're strategy is block data I'd recommend you get data if it's harmless like ads.

For Javascript I'm not sure what you're concern will here. It cannot run unless you tell it to. You can tell it to by mistake by actually cutting and pasting but a infected file cannot even penetrate a folder. If the Mods allow it ( @TheMacGyver ) ?
I can't post some simple Javascript that does nothing but resize your browser (or any image file). I will demonstrate how to use this harmless code to "infect" Firefox take a png file (which will be "infected") and cannot contain a virus and I'll show you how to place it into a folder to infect the file path. Maybe I can write a guide on how to do this with a dummy folder with different file types so you can see what Javascript can do. What happens I think is neat. After the "infected" folder (which Windows has no problem with) is transfer to a thumb drive and the folder is deleted you can plug in the thumb drive and all the files (in the infected folder (not sub-folders)) will disappear (pngs, jpeg, pdfs, htmls are the only extension I've had luck with but I would like to test more). When you figure out how to retrieve them which takes some research and effort even with full admin control the PC will tell you they don't belong to your system the thumb is the owner. I find this assuming if the Mods allow it I'll write instructions (using portable tools, even though a folder is all the protection needed) for people because I'm a verified member I can do that now I believe. Hopefully they allow it. It's a education way to learn about Javascript. You can see that a sub-folder is not affected all. Quite weird but it shows what Javascript can and cannot do.


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i use firefox on windows and uc browser on android.


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I use Opera on windows OS and chrome on Android


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I use Cent browser because it can be customized very well. Unfortunately is not in the list :shake:


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Using Opera for work cause of plugIns fitting my needs. Using Yandex for personal and official stuff. In my opinion the safety of a browser depends till 50% on the "thing" in front of the keyboard :giggle:

Neville's Haze

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In my opinion the safety of a browser depends till 50% on the "thing" in front of the keyboard :giggle:

So you prefer the informal fallacy "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" ? :think:


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I've been hacked a handful of times at least (not counting when I allowed it to happen), but it's my belief if you haven't been hacked it's not because of your computer knowledge. The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.....if you know what I mean. In the spirit of debate I'll assume your plugins are not mining your data, however third parties are aware you are using them. How many people do you think use your default language, VPN provider, DNS servers, use Windows 10, use Firefox, have your screen size, use NoScript and Adblock? It's likely just you, by building a fortress on a hill you seek a strategy different than I recommend. Which could be summarized as blend in not out.

As for ads they are not a security risk so what purpose does blocking them serve? I actually use ads for security. I have a list of around 20 sites that on occasion I use a few for 2 or 3 minutes for the sole purpose of seeing what language and products they show me in the ads, this is hard evidence that confirms what I want to know. Namely do they know where I came from or where I am? Again you're strategy is block data I'd recommend you get data if it's harmless like ads.

For Javascript I'm not sure what you're concern will here. It cannot run unless you tell it to. You can tell it to by mistake by actually cutting and pasting but a infected file cannot even penetrate a folder. If the Mods allow it (@ @TheMacGyver ) ?
I can't post some simple Javascript that does nothing but resize your browser (or any image file). I will demonstrate how to use this harmless code to "infect" Firefox take a png file (which will be "infected") and cannot contain a virus and I'll show you how to place it into a folder to infect the file path. Maybe I can write a guide on how to do this with a dummy folder with different file types so you can see what Javascript can do. What happens I think is neat. After the "infected" folder (which Windows has no problem with) is transfer to a thumb drive and the folder is deleted you can plug in the thumb drive and all the files (in the infected folder (not sub-folders)) will disappear (pngs, jpeg, pdfs, htmls are the only extension I've had luck with but I would like to test more). When you figure out how to retrieve them which takes some research and effort even with full admin control the PC will tell you they don't belong to your system the thumb is the owner. I find this assuming if the Mods allow it I'll write instructions (using portable tools, even though a folder is all the protection needed) for people because I'm a verified member I can do that now I believe. Hopefully they allow it. It's a education way to learn about Javascript. You can see that a sub-folder is not affected all. Quite weird but it shows what Javascript can and cannot do.

Hello Ms.,

This is not germane to the forum topic, but I will address your reply (in reverse order) and be done with it. Keep in mind that all of this is subjective. People have their personal preferences. To each his own.

1) While JavaScript is a popular and useful tool, it can be used in webpages for nefarious purposes as well. I am well aware of the capabilities of JavaScript, a lesson will not be necessary. Enough said

2) Ads, in my opinion, are a nuisance. They slow page loads, and more often than not, are intrusive. Some, when clicked on, have malicious payloads. I do not wish to be the target of corporate (or otherwise) data mining through the use of ads. Our views on whether or not ads are harmless differs. Again, enough said.

3) My wish is not to "blend in", or "out", as it were... My wish is to have a safe, fast & reliable internet experience. For almost 30 years, I have accomplished just that. I want to see what I want to see, and not what some corporate shill thinks I should because they have a bottom line, and get paid for every ad they shove in someones face. More than enough said.

My "fortress on a hill" strategy appears to be working for me. Computing knowledge and internet safety might, after all, have a bit to say in this debate. After all, and by your own words, "I've been hacked a handful of times at least", doesn't lend itself to your nonchalant approach to the subject.

Thanks again for your input.

@Admins - I apologize for being off topic. This is my last reply in this thread.

Neville's Haze

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I want to see what I want to see too but.... Most people do not really want to see, because to see involves responsibility

@Admins I'm done too. Peace, Love, Empathy

Uncle Mac

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@Neville's Haze , @Jamizon What in Blue Blazes is going on here.. This was meant to be a simple Thread/Poll>> "Vote Now! Which Web Browser Do You Trust The Most?"

Not a huge back and forth chit chatting, spamming, typing fest!!! Vote and leave a short comment like" I use Edge to download Opera etc.. "

You have basically ruined this page commenting like some Supreme Tech Guru's.. Also stop the Tagging me or any staff or @admin for that matter.. Its annoying and absolutely not needed..

Thread/Poll has a little over a month before locked and if everyone goes at like you 2 it will be 1000 pages.. Thats all and DONT NOT REPLY!!


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mozilla pc, duckduckgo browser for android.


Power User
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No doubt!! Just answer the dang poll on page one!!


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vivaldi on linux. i was in love with cent browser in windows, but since they don't make cent for linix i gave vivaldi another look. i am so greatful i did.


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Slimjet browser based on Chrome for me.

Infinity King

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Recently I am using Yandex Browser which is really good.


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i use opera and chrome ..


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I used firefox for great addons that it has, my opinion. Than i switched to Opera, when it was the best browser of the year, dunno which year exactly. Chrome sucks, but i dunno i still use it, but not like the other two browsers.


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Reopened voting.